Last night while rummaging through boxes of bonefish flies of season’s past, we came across this little beauty – D.L.’s Stealth Fly, one of many innovative fly patterns developed by renowned fly tyer and designer, D.L. Goddard.
As many of you are aware, Mr. Goddard passed on earlier this month. Therefore, we thought it fitting to dedicate today’s post to D.L. and his tremendous contribution to our sport.
D.L.’s creativity will be sorely missed throughout the angling community but his influence will surely not be forgotten. Our hearts go out to the entire Goddard family.
Nice touch, Kyle. A real mark of class
to remember D L Goddard.
My name is Adam Goddard. D.L. was my dad. Thank you for the kind words. My dad was a devoted outdoorsman and I learned how to hunt and fish with passion like he did. I had an amazing childhood because of this and plan to pass along his love of the outdoors to my daughter, his granddaughter.
Cast a fly in his memory… He will always be remembered..
-Adam Goddard
Without a doubt Adam, thanks for reaching out to us. Although we did not know D.L. personally, we’ve received several emails from our guests regarding his passing. It’s clear that he has (and will continue to do so) influenced anglers from all over the world. A true mark of a great man!