A question we get asked all the time in regards to our lodges is, “what’s the best time to go fishing in Alaska?”
Our standard answer? “Well, it depends..”
We’re aware that’s not the one word answer most folks are looking for, but the truth is, we’re really lucky to operate on an incredibly diverse fishery that offers a whole bunch of different opportunities depending on the time of the season. Our guests are able to pick a time that best suits their interests, rather than hope to land the ‘best’ week of the year, which we think is pretty darn cool.
However, a common follow-up question to our likely drawn out and starry-eyed explanation of of our fishery is often, “then what time of year brings the best weather?”
Once again, a one word answer doesn’t quite cut it. Our answer? “Well, ‘good’ weather is relative.”
While some might consider blue sky and bright sun to be ‘good’ weather, the seasoned salmon angler understands that these conditions are far from ideal. On the other hand, while salmon fishing might be best during the darkest, nastiest days of the season, the angler on the hunt for big leopard rainbows would probably be hoping for more visibility.
Luckily for us, we fish for both at Alaska West, meaning regardless of the weather we’re always able to target fish under ‘ideal’ conditions. Like we said, ‘good’ weather is relative, and it all looks pretty good to us.

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