They say if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.. But what if it IS broke? Well then yeah, fix it, right?
Sure, that may sound simple enough, but many of us are quick to replace our old gear or outwear, before it’s really even approached it’s lifetime. Heck, we’ll admit we’re just as at fault as anyone! Fancy new gear is cool, but let’s be honest; rugged, well worn, seen-it-all-before gear is cooler. Good gear should last a long time, it just might need a little love along the way.
That’s why this week the good folks at Patagonia launched their ‘Worn Wear’ campaign, encouraging folks to extend the life of their gear by repairing instead of replacing it. That’s a pretty righteous act coming from a company that sells outdoor gear.
What’s the catch? Simple. According to Patagonia, the more life we get out of our gear, the less we need to consume, and the better it is in grand scheme of things.. You know, like the well being of our planet.
As part of the campaign, Patagonia has created a great online resource to educate outdoor enthusiasts on how to repair their own gear, with detailed instructions on everything from how to test the water repellency of your rain jacket, to repairing holes in waders, to fixing zippers. There’s a whole mess of gear repair guides that anyone who spends time outdoors will appreciate. Just hit the link to check them out!
You and Patagonia people deserve the highest praise for helping us maintain and repair equipment. Although a leak in Alaskan waters would not be as pleasant as one in warmer climes. ThnX
Many thanks Chuck, and you’re right, a leak in Alaskan waters is not very enjoyable!