When it comes to skagit or scandi style spey casting, good line management is key to remaining tangle free and achieving maximum distance. We’ve ran a bunch of posts in the past on various methods of managing running line and today we present you with a great write-up AND video from our buddy George Cook with Spey TV on a simple but effective method of managing running line.
Running Line Management – The 50% Rule
The 50% rule states that there is a fixed amount of line (i.e. running/shooting line) that will be stripped in at the completed end of the swing. Hence, there is a total number of strips that brings one to his/her desired “over-hang” position for the next cast. For example, let’s just say that there are 10 strips out there required to bring the running line to the desired over-hang (over-hang can be anywhere from 6” to 36” depending on your preference or situation). Once the “strip count” is formulated (again, 10 total strips being our example here) we now have the basis for the 50% rule that will unfold as discussed below.
So, with 10 Strips to reach the desired over-hang position, the angler will make strips 1 thru 5 and then coil number 5, as the 5th strip is 50% of the forthcoming 10 total strips (4 is 50% of 8, 7 is 50% of 14, so on and so forth, you get the picture here). Now we will continue with strips #6 thru number 10. Once the 10 total strips has taken place, that #5 Coil will be held in the bottom hand and then released after the finish stop of the forward portion of the spey cast.
The 50% rule ensures an easy method within a “count format” that will be the savior of many a spey angler’s dilemma as found in low light conditions (think early AM steelhead or late PM Terra Del Fuego). This way, the angler simply has to only execute the count, as the count has already established the ideal determined over-hang for the next cast, thus eliminating the need to watch for the over-hang spot. While this is extremely helpful during the aforementioned AM and PM scenarios, it will be handy all day long, anywhere, anytime as well.
See it in action from George himself by clicking on the video below!
Note: If you’re viewing this in a newsletter or reader, click here to view the video on our website.
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