We’re really humbled that so many of you stop by our blog each morning for a little dose of fly fishing. We like to start our day off the same way, and we’d feel a bit selfish if we didn’t share a few articles each month, from other websites, that we really liked.
That’s why every month or so we like to present you with..
Three Good Articles from Other Websites
- DH Delegation. Deneki legend, J.E.B. Hall, serves up some southern snarkiness on page 142 of the newest edition of Southern Culture on the Fly.
- The Road to DIY Bonefish. Our buddy and host of our 2015 bonefish school, Louis Cahill, gives some great advice on the long road to becoming a successful bonefish angler at Gink and Gasoline.
- 10 Essential Tips for Stillwater Success. Brian Chan dishes out a great article, chocked full of information, on fishing for trout in lakes and ponds, via the Sage Fly Fishing Blog.
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