The good folks at The Native Fish Society (NFS) have issued a call for action, and they need your help!
According to the NFS, several watersheds home to wild, native salmon and steelhead in southwest Oregon are being threatened by proposed nickel strip mines. The headwaters of concern include three National Wild and Scenic Rivers, some of which are entirely void of hatchery salmonids, making their value all the more important for wild, native salmon and steelhead genetics.
However, all is not lost! A proposal has been issued by the Forest Service and BLM to withdraw the land from mining interests for five years. This would allow the land to be protected from future mining claims while Congress considers current legislation for more extended protection.
They can’t do it alone, however, and the NFS has started a petition supporting the mineral withdrawal. For those in favor of protecting wild, native salmon and steelhead habitat against the proposed strip mines, please take the time to sign, here.
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