Even after eight or so years of posting, the audience of our humble little fishing blog still continues to grow. That makes us really happy and we have you, our readers, to thank for it. So.. Thanks for reading our blog!
Every now and then we like to take a day to ask what you would like to see on our blog. Today is one of those days, so we ask you..
How Are We Doing?
What do you want to see more of on our blog and newsletter? How about less of?
- Fishing tips?
- Travel info?
- Gear Reviews?
- Fly tying posts?
- Casting tips?
- Specific articles?
- What else?
We really do appreciate your input. Please leave us a comment below to let us know what you’d like to see on our blog. Be specific!
Thanks for reading!
Gear reviews, tackle hints and great photos are what I enjoy the most
More about background, personality, what they are specialists at, what they do when not at AWest, their music likes and dislikes, their quirks, their nicknames, etc. you get the idea. Also I think a lot of people would be interested in biologic info on salmon: their stages of life, what encourages/discourages them to come up river to spawn, what part of the river they travel in, what part they spawn in. Also I think people would be interested in the logistics of running a remote camp: ordering food, getting them to camp, infrastructure, getting hardware(stoves etc) to camp, shutting down camp etc.
I’m one of your UK followers. Think the website is great. I’ve learnt a huge amount from you guys over the last few years especially in preparing for overseas trips from helping me get the right gear and flies to catch my first bonefish to rigging up for pacific salmon. I especially like the gear reviews and experts rigs. Many Thanks. Neil
I would like a detailed list of ingredients to follow each fly-tier instruction.
Otherwise, great site with loads of useful information.
Your blog is my favorite source for steelhead and salmon fishing information. Keep up the great work!
I especially like the tying photos and the short sections on rigging. The best part about your entries is that they are concise but very informative. The variety is also a big part of why I check the site every couple days. As someone who has to keep current in the industry and read a couple doz blogs every week I enjoy this one a lot for the reasons above. Keep up the great work guys.
I’d like to see more of what lodge life is like for you…. For us guests, it’s all about the wake up alarm, coffee and breakfast, boat or fly out, fish-fish-fish, boat or fly back, dinner, and lights out… It all happens so fast. We know that there’s so much more than that for you. It’s everything else that you do that makes it so simple for us. Give us more than a glimpse, you’re our heroes!
HI. Guys. Love your newsletter. I’m very interested in info, as to whether, a trip to one of your lodges is right for me. I would be interested, in the Dean, or Alaska West. I don’t really two-hand, tho, I own an 11 foot 4inch, Mystic, 7 wt. Switch. I don’t tie much either. I’m 65, and a very good single hand caster. I’ve fished the Bow River, in Calgary, the Missourri, and the Bighorn, in Montana. I’ve caught Steelhead, on the Campbell, Vancouver Island, and many a Coho, beach fishing, on Vancouver Island.
Let me know, what you think.
Look forward to newsletter, it is always entertaining and informative! Just floated the Kanektok in August, what a wonderful river. Flies and tying are high on my list, as is fish biology, habitat etc. Fishing technique is always welcome. Great stuff, keep up the great work!
Thank you!!!
Enjoy reading all of it.
At AW many of the guides tie their own flies, why not give them some air time too. Keep Stuart’s ties coming at the same time 🙂 🙂
Always look forward to the AW weekly newsletter. I particularly enjoy the gear reviews but would like to see more on conservation issues that affect the fly fishing industry and how they are being addressed. Keep up the good work.
Love the posts. Tips, gear reviews, travel pics. All good. Keep it coming.
Hey Warren,
Kyle here with Deneki. Thanks for getting in touch with us and we’re happy to hear you’re interested in hearing more about our lodges. Our main sales guy, Bryan, will be getting in touch with you shortly and can give you the scoop on our lodges. Thanks!
Thanks everybody for all your great input and kind words. It’s greatly appreciated. We’ll get to work!
Hi Guys, I was doing a presentation of my trip to Alaska West this year to the guys at my Sportfish Club. A question came about the life cycle of the Rainbow Trout, so maybe a rundown on the life cycle of the Kanektok Rainbows, and other resident fish. When they spawn etc.
I like a lot of the ideas above as well.
Keep up the great work!! Kevin
Love your articles. I’ve been tying your salt water fly patterns I’ll get a chance to use them in November on Coya Costa
You are doing an awesome job with the web site! Gave a slide presentation on Alaska West to around 100 fly fisher persons the other day, they loved it. I only hope some will make the call and experience AKW. Thank you for information, pictures, fly recipe’s and the stories that happen at AKW and Andros South.
How about rating rain jackets. Alaska’s weather has to be a great test on gear. Pro’s and con’s.