When fishing for bonefish from a boat, it’s really important to be on the same page as your guide. After all, being situated on an elevated platform, odds are they’re going to be the first one to spot the fish.
Time is of the essence, and when your guide does spot a fish, you want to be able to pick it up as quickly as possible. However, even when given a direction and distance (i.e. “bonefish 11 o’clock, 40 feet”) from your guide, sometimes it can still be hard to see the fish they’re referring to. Don’t worry, it happens to all of us!
So what do you do if you still can’t see the fish? Point your rod at where you ‘think’ the fish might be. This gives the guide a much better visual of where you are looking, allowing him to then instruct “more left,” “more right,” or “yeah, that’s him.”
When it comes to bonefishing, communication between the angler and guide is key to success, and we’ve found this little technique to work extremely well for locating fish. Good luck out there!
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