The good folks at the Bonefish and Tarpon Trust (BTT) have been working diligently to protect bonefish habitat throughout the Bahamas, but they need your help!
Proposals to create two National Parks covering prime bonefish habitat for Grand Bahama Island and Abaco have been issued and BTT is asking for your help by signing petitions in support of the parks.
We’re lucky that a great deal our flats here on South Andros are protected by Bahamian National Parks, and therefore support more National Parks throughout the Bahamas. Below is BTT’s most recent press release. Please, take the time to protect Bahamian bonefish.
Bonefish and Tarpon Trust Calls For Petition Signatures in Support of Two Proposed Bahamian National Parks
MIAMI, FL – The Bahamas is world-renown as an excellent bonefish fishery. In fact, the fishery is so popular for traveling anglers that the annual economic impact of the fishery exceeds $141 million. Yet the fishery will remain healthy only if the habitats remain healthy. As part of the Bahamas Initiative, BTT has been working with the Fisheries Conservation Foundation and Cape Eleuthera Institute to provide data to support the efforts of the Bahamas National Trust to create National Parks to protect habitats that bonefish use for feeding and spawning.
Proposals to create National Parks for habitat protection for Grand Bahama Island and Abaco are now on the desk of the Prime Minister of the Bahamas. We are asking you to support the efforts of our Bahamas collaborators – Bahamas National Trust, Friends of the Environment, Abaco Fly Fishing Guides Association, and the lodges and fishing guides on these islands – by making your voice heard.
If you fish for bonefish in the Bahamas, then you know how important this is. If you haven’t yet fished in the Bahamas, it is surely on your bucket list, so make sure the opportunity is there for the future.
Below are links to 2 petitions: One to support the Grand Bahama parks, one to support the Abaco parks. Please sign them both, and tell your friends about it so they can sign too.
Thank you guys for your support!
Sure thing Dan, thank YOU for your hard work!
No fish is more regal and prized than the bonefish, there is no replacement for this species. Lets do all we can to support the habitat and all efforts to sustain this worthy creature. Pete Viau