We like to stay in touch with what you, our readers, want to see (or see more of) on our blog. So, every once in a while we like to run a post asking what you want us to write about?
Without fail, one of the most common requests is for more step by step fly tying posts. We love tying flies and are glad you want to see more about the flies we like to use at our lodges!
Therefore, today we’re asking a simple question. What do you want us to tie?
- Trout Flies?
- Bonefish Flies?
- Steelhead Flies?
- Barracuda Flies?
- Tube Flies?
- Salmon Flies?
- Particular Fly Tying Techniques?
We’ll keep spinning up bugs regardless, but we want to know what interests you most! Drop us a comment below on what you’d like to see and we’ll get cracking!
I am new to fly tying and one thing I see that is not explaned/shown is where on the feather or skin the material is being cut from, example a hackle cape is there certain sections of the cape that you use for certain ties?
I am also learning tube fly tying and trying to learn the various tubes and their uses.
Any fly you use up in Alaska for trout that you also would be confident using on tailwaters in Canada and the midwest US.
One of Jason Whiting’s king flies
Thanks for the input guys, we’ll get to work! Keep ’em comin!
Thanks Bryan, something tells me you might know a guy ;).
Good to hear from you!
favorite sculpin patterns
I would love to see some flies for Christmas Island
Also a squidroe or something similar
Trout flies and steelhead flies!! Also tying techniques would be good!
You’ve gotta write about steelhead flies! I am stoked for the spring run and to touch a silver bullet. Here in Michigan some say a Red robin is a sign of spring. For me it’s Chrome!
Tube flies for tyers new to tubes please!
The weirder the better, man.
Steelhead flies! Tis the season.
Grant Turner’s Steelhead Fly to be exact!
Glad you asked. I would love to see step-by-steps of the best 2-3 flies for Cutthroat and Dolly Varden for spring fishing in Alaska. That’ll be startin up for some of us in about 3-4 weeks, so there’s your timeframe…
Great stuff everybody!
Can y’all do some redfish flies, summers comin up and with it comes the tailin fish at high tide.
Tubes for big & small; freshwater, saltwater, & in between.
I would like to see more Dragon Fly Nymph patterns to catch wild rainbow trout.
How about a Syd Glasso Orange Heron? He was a PNW steelhead tying genius.
Joe Brooks’ Blonds, specifically the Dumb Blond