If you’ve spent any time in the last few months browsing Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter for fly fishing content, you may have noticed the reoccuring hashtag, #keepemwet, following many fish photos. The #keepemwet hashtag is part of a campaign developed by the good folks at the Native Fish Society, and we think it’s pretty awesome.
The Keep ‘Em Wet campaign encourages anglers to minimize air exposure to wild, native fish by creatively taking photos of fish in the water. The Native Fish Society is even running a contest for the best photo of a wild, native fish from the pacific northwest with AT LEAST it’s gills in the water to continue raise awareness. For more information on the contest, click here.
We think keeping fish in the water while taking photos is a good idea whenever releasing fish. Not only is it safer on the fish, it also makes for more a much more interesting photo!
We’re not saying we’ve never held fish out of the water for photos in the past, we have. But we’re going to do our best to keep more fish in the water when taking photos and hope you do the same!
Let’um go quick! I couldn’t agree more all flingers of the fly should snap a picture of video quickly and release. If your camera is ready you can do it in less than 20 seconds. Check out my quick release.