We really like writing about all things fly fishing, almost as much as we like, well, fly fishing!
However, we like to stay in touch with what you want to read about. After all, we’re interested in what interests you! So, today we’re asking you just that!
What Do You Want Us to Write About?
What in the great world world of fly fishing to you want to read about? What do you want to see more of? What do you want to know more about?
- Particular Fisheries?
- Expert Rigs?
- Helpflul Tips?
- Gear Reviews?
- Specific Flies?
- What Else?
We really like to hear your input! Be specific or be vague, but either way, feel free to drop us a comment below about what you’d like to see on our blog!
Thanks for reading!
Why do people fish?
I really enjoy your articles about fly fishing photography. Having just picked up a Dslr in recent months for my fishing adventures. There’s barely any information about fishing photography out their. I think your site probably has the most to offer of any site. Keep expanding it! I’d like to see how you develope your fishing pictures in lightroom.
I really like when you review different fisheries, especially saltwater bone fish and permit areas. Also gear reviews and fly tying different patterns is interesting. Actually, there aren’t many subjects that you write about that I don’t enjoy
Really like your post about casting technique and gear review!
One thing I would like to ear about is :How do you guys store your fly and arrange them in your fly box.I never know how to set them by size,color,water action,water level temperature,floating etc.At the ends of the fishing day,my flybox are a total mess…
Gear reviews, technique, tips, rigs in fact what you are currently doing
Hey Kyle: You didn’t ask me but… Have you found Louis Cahill at the
Gink And Gasoline blog (ginkandgasoline.com); or Tim
Romano, who is one of the editors of the FlyTalk blog on the
Field & Stream magazine web site (fieldandstream.com >
blogs > FlyTalk)?
Hey Jim,
I have those bookmarked as well. Besides here, Louis and Tim’s are great too, one of the only ones out their that have more than one article for fishing photography. If you find any more let me know.
– Kittens
-Guide bios.
-Local culture/history
-Camp recipes
-More kittens
I love the gear reviews. Also the do it yourself gear tips that save money.
Also technique tips and fly tying instructions.
I read the blog everyday during my lunch break. Keep up the good work!
More step by step fly posts
Thanks for weighing in everybody! We’ll get to work!
Keep ’em comin!
I love your site. Recently I’ve been trying to find info on how to fish flesh flies. I know you can dead drift them with an indicator and there is plenty of info online about that rig but after an exhaustive search I haven’t found any info on how to rig and the fishing techniques of flesh flies. Ie. How to get a natural drift. Mend or don’t mend. Bite detection and hook sets.
Thanks and keep up the good work.
Sorry, I made an error in my previous post. It should read, “I haven’t found any info on how to rig and the fishing techniques of flesh flies WITHOUT AN INDICATOR”
Favorite sculpin patterns
I don’t tie my own flies yet. I’d like to read some gear reviews on tying equipment, especially vices.
I would like to see more step-by-step bonefish patterns.
Hi: I really enjoy your SBS fly tying articles. One area of tying that I always enjoy is more traditional ties like Spey or Dee flies. I’m pretty clear that tubes or shanks are the “meat and potatoes” of salmon fishing almost everywhere these days, but to be honest I get bored tying and fishing those, and like to turn to more traditional ties for a challenge. I enjoy fishing them too, and they do catch fish.
More steelhead flies, although they really don’t matter. Hickman, Larimer, and Silvey have it goin’ on!