Happy New Year!
Still looking for a New Years Resolution worth keeping? Not to worry, here are some ideas along with some links to make it happen!
“In 2015 I will..”
- Learn to Tie a Nail Knot Without a Tool.
- Learn to cast Left Handed (or Right Handed for You South Paws).
- Always Be Nice to the Non-Targets.
- Be a Better Boat Buddy.
- Take More Photos of Fish in the Water.
- Not Trout Set on Bonefish.
- Not Trout Set on Bonefish.
- Not Trout Set on Bonefish.
- Find a Holey Rock.
- Find More Reasons to Justify a Fishing Trip.
- Fish More With Family.
- Fish More with Friends.
- Practice Tying Blood Knots Until I can Tie Them Blindfolded.
- Catch a Fish on a Mouse Fly.
- Check Off a Fishing Trip From My Bucket List.
To all of you who read our newsletters, participated on our blog, and/or spent time with us at our lodges, thank you for supporting us in 2014!
I taught myself to cast left handed last year.
I can tie a nail knot without a tool.
I’ve been tying Blood Knots for 60 years and fishing at night for at least 55 years has made me learn to tie all of my knots in the dark.
I’m doing 2 trips from my bucket this year.
One thing I have on my list is to teach at least one person to Fly Fish.
Keep up the good work and have a good year.