Spotting bonefish on the flats can be tough, even for experienced anglers. Therefore, we’ve posted quite a few articles on our blog over the years about spotting bonefish, and odds are you haven’t read them all.
So, today we thought we’d give you a little roundup of a bunch of posts we’ve run in the past on spotting bonefish. After all, bonefish are a lot easier to catch if you can see what you’re casting to!
Spotting Bonefish Roundup
- Spotting Bonefish – 4 Tips. Just what it says, 4 fundamental tips to spot more fish.
- Don’t Forget to Look Behind You. A super simple, yet often forgotten tip when wading for bonefish.
- Look For Moving Shapes. The first step in spotting bonefish.
- Stages of Spotting Bonefish. What to look for once you see a fish.
- Look For Shadows. A great tip illustrated in photo form.
- How Many Bonefish Can You Spot in this Photo? A fun exercise to put your spotting skills to the test.
- Polarized Glasses on the Flats – Double Up! A clever tip to see more fish on the flats.
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