In our neck of the woods, trout eat mice (well, shrews to be exact). It’s no secret, we write about it a lot.. Why? Because it’s awesome!
However, did you know that grayling have also been known to take down their share of mammals as well? Its true, during certain times of year, particularly early season, large Arctic grayling can be just as aggressive towards mouse patterns as rainbow trout are, just scroll up for proof!
We’ve often wondered how often trout and grayling actually feed on shrews, and whether or not they actively search out mammals as prey. Well, just a few days ago, the Nature Conservancy released a summary of a new article published in the journal, Ecology of Freshwater Fish, studying just how often trout and grayling eat mammals. We’ve been waiting for this type of research to come out for a long time, click the link to check it out!
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