Today we present you with a picture of a dog on a beach.
There are a few notable points about this picture, though.
- This is the beach on the grounds at Andros South. It’s really nice, as you might notice.
- This dog’s name is Cookie. She belongs to one of our guides, Sparkles. All of his animals are named Cookie. If he has three dogs, they’re all named Cookie.
- Yes, his name is Sparkles. The day your fearless editor met Sparkles, he was wearing a couple of bracelets, a ring or two, an earring and a big gold chain. I asked him, “Hey Sparkles, how did you get your name?”. He said “Oh man, I used to wear a lot of jewelry.” True story.
- Those tiny little dots on the horizon on the left are channel markers, leading from the reef to the marina right next the the lodge. The right-most dot is a channel marker right at the reef, outside of which the bottom drops from maybe a hundred feet to 3,000 feet – the Tongue of the Ocean. That’s pretty cool if you ask us. Mega-deep water right out there!
OK… I gotta ask. What’s a potcake, or potcake dog?
Great question, Jim. Potcake is just a casual term for the very common (very mixed) breed of Bahamian dogs. Pretty much all the dogs you see on Andros are ‘potcakes’.