At Andros South we spend lots of time fishing the West Side of Andros Island – the vast coast and creek systems on the side of the island opposite the ‘civilization’. The past few years we’ve ramped up our time in the West to the point where maybe 75% of our days one or more of our boats head over.
Here are…
Four Reasons We Love Fishing the West Side
- Big Singles and Doubles. The West has fewer huge groups of bonefish, and more singles and doubles – the fish are spread out over there. It’s a perfect spot for anglers who like classic shots at cruising fish. Also, very big fish live here.
- Easy Access. We keep our boats at the mouth of Little Creek…which just so happens to cut through the interior of South Andros and open up on the West Side. There’s no long pounding boat ride involved to fish the West from Andros South – it’s easy even if it’s breezy.
- ‘Alternate Species’. Especially in the late spring and early summer, the West Side is an excellent place to go if you think it’s cool to cast at fish whose names start with the letters ‘t’ and ‘p’.
- Mind-Boggling Expanse. It’s really hard to explain if you haven’t seen it – hundreds of miles of shoreline, thousands of flats, hundreds of intricate creek systems…and maybe a handful of boats on a busy day.
An extremely well-traveled angling editor fished the West Side this spring and commented “man, I’d fish over here every day if I could”. We couldn’t agree more.
Pro Tip: If you want to sound like a local, call it ‘The Back’ – e.g. “Hey Freddie, I’d love to head up in The Back today – how’s that sound?”
Drop us a line if you’d like to hear more about our program on the West Side.
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