We recently had the delight of spending time with our good friend (and newlywed), George Cook and his lovely wife Jennifer while on their honeymoon at Andros South. George was kind enough to share the highlights of his trip with us and we thought we’d share it with you too! Thanks to George and Jen for the input – it was a blast having you in camp, and best of luck to you in the future!
A Bonefish Honeymoon
My angling bride Jennifer had her mind set on a Bonefish Honeymoon for 2014. I was to pick the spot, the tackle, and get the flies in order (and not horde the good ones. Okay, not ALL the good ones!). A phone call to the good folks at Deneki Outdoors was the first order of business, as I had always wanted to visit their operation on South Andros Island in the Bahamas. The first week of May was the designated time frame, plans were made, airlines lined up, tackle gathered (including some yummy flies). This would be Jennifer’s first “salt adventure”. Although a veteran to Alaskan angling both single hand a tons of spey fishing, she was a newbie to the flats game.
Once arriving and quickly settling in at the lodge, we were whisked right to the boat dock where day #1 guide Norman was at the ready. This day would be a day of wading the flats, which was a perfect setting and strategy to get Miss Jen off to a good solid start. It wasn’t long before ace guide Norman located a school of the flat’s ghosts, and the stalk was on! Jennifer made good and was soon into a good un’ that wasted little time in screaming off mega line from her Tibor Everglades. I even got into the “Couple’s Act” by picking off a smaller bone from the perimeter and the “Honeymoon Double” was in play. With both fish to hand, a great start to a wonderful trip was already nicely underway.
Day two through four featured a different yet highly skilled guide each day. Sparkles, Torrie and Josie rounded out the lineup during our stay. Each guide had his own distinct style and personality, but all had one common denominator – they knew where to go, why to be there and how to operate once engaged. It mattered not whether in the boat or on foot, the ultra savvy Andros South crew that call these flats home, could see like hawks, spotting quick and efficient strategies to maximize opportunity. Even better was the care and patience offered up for a new saltwater angling wife such as mine.
These guys have the skill set , be it about casting, striping, or wind position. They have it dialed, sports fans. Ol’ Torrie did impromptu casting lessons featuring the vaunted TMC (Torrie’s Mellow Cast). This proved invaluable for the trip and Jennifer’s initial salt success. I could go on and on regarding the guides here but the bottom line is this – just get in the boat and prepare for fun in the sun. It’s as sure as the warm Bahamas breeze upon you.
You simply can’t go wrong here. I’ve fished a number of bonefish destinations over the years (Biscayne Bay in the Florida Keys, Christmas Island, and various spots in Central America), and can tell you with great confidence that South Andros is very well the ideal destination. If you want the best shot at double digit critters, get up early and hone your skills for Biscayne Bay near Miami. Want the maximum number of shots? Christmas Island is hard to beat. But, if you want it all in one delightful package, South Andros in my opinion is the place to be! This is the haven where maximum opportunity and big fish potential meet on the curve. You can have your cake (quantity) and eat it too (big boy shots) with first class guides and service levels second to none.
We’ll be back, Honeymoon #2!
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