Yeah, we’ve beat this drum before but we’re going to keep beating it because we think it’s really important.
You should take your kids fishing. Here’s why.
5 Reasons to Take Your Kids Fishing
- Big smiles. You will never see a bigger smile on your kid’s face than when they’ve landed a fish.
- Builds character. Not everything goes perfectly when you go fishing, and that’s fine. You might have to hang out in the rain for a while. You might break a fish off. Your dad might forget his fly box. Everyone’s not a winner every time, and that’s an important lesson to learn.
- It’s the opposite of ‘Screen Time’. In 2014 kids have more than enough time in front of iPads, iPhones, TVs and 3DS’s. They need time in an actual real outdoor environment, and fishing is the perfect outlet.
- It teaches planning and rewards. You need to get your gear ready. You need to set some time aside. You need to check the conditions. You need to be on time. If you don’t plan out your fishing you’re not going to reap the rewards…and that’s an important lesson to learn.
- Quality time together. When was the last time you spent 8 uninterrupted hours with your kid, doing anything at all? Most quality fishing requires big blocks of quality time together – that’s the best reason of all.
P.S. It’s your editor’s Mom’s birthday today. Happy Birthday, Mom!
2 and 4 are good points that are often not mentioned.
Great blog post!
Taking a kid fishing makes him feel like he belongs and is significant. What a meaningful thing to do!
Great call Tim! We couldn’t agree with you more.