Recently a good friend of ours threw a pair of Abel’s new Hybrid Hemostats our way to try out. We have tested a number of Abel products over the years and have been nothing but impressed by their functionality and design. We were very excited to try out the new Hybrid Hemostats and thought you might appreciate what we found.
To make a long story short, we like them a lot! In our opinion, they are best suited for standard trout flies, although they were up to the task for some light saltwater use as well (such as bonefish flies). However, for larger tackle, we recommend moving up to the Abel Pliers instead. At $125.00 (for standard black models) upwards to $200.00 (for a more artistic finish), they’re substantially more expensive than your classic locking hemostats. However, with all things Abel, the price reflects their quality.
Here’s what we like about the Abel Hybrid Hemostats.
- They have a better locking mechanism: If you have ever been irritated that your old hemostats lock every time you close them, then you’ll love the Abel Hybrid Hemostats. The Hybrid Hemos incorporate an optional locking mechanism that engages with a quick flick of the thumb and disengages with a light squeeze of the handles. This action is extremely comfortable to work with, and in our opinion, beats the automatic locking features of old.
- They’re a great size for trout fishing: For those that do not want to carry the extra bulk of pliers on their wading belt, but appreciate that Abel craftsmanship, the Hybrid Hemos are a good option. Clip them to your lanyard or zinger as you would any pair of hemostats and you’re good to go!
- They crimp the smallest of barbs: Similar to their pliers series, the jaw face on the Hybrid Hemos remain completely flat on one side making crimping down barbs a breeze. They are also tapered to a point allowing you to de-barb even the smallest of hook sizes.
- Replaceable jaws: Like everything Abel, the Hybrid Hemostats are built really well. However, with enough use, the jaws will eventually begin to wear. Not to worry though, the jaws are fully replaceable!
- They are great for cold weather: When fishing in cold weather, the last thing you want to do is remove your gloves to fit your fingers in the loops of your forceps. The Hybrid Hemos are fully operable no matter what you are wearing on your hands.
- Quality, Quality, Quality: A quick look at the Abel Hybrid Hemostats will tell you these aren’t your classic double loop hemostats. They are a well machined piece of fishing equipment. Can you get by with your old rusty pair of hemostats? Of course you can. However, if you’re like us and appreciate the finer things in fly fishing, you’ll like these hemostats.
Other Cool Gear
Which is better for a all around fishing tool the hemostats or the pliers?
Hey James,
The Hemostats are a great tool, but are limited to smaller flies. Probably the best overall fishing tool, if you were to only purchase one, would be the pliers. They are too most versatile for all types of fishing. Thanks and have fun out there!
Are there belt sheaths available for the Abel hemostat?
Hi Brad, there’s isn’t a belt sheath available that we’re aware of. However, the jaws to lock to allow them to be clipped to a gear strap, shirt pocket or similar, like traditional hemostats.
Thanks for checking in!