If our fishery at Alaska West wasn’t already diverse enough for you with kings, chums, sockeye, silvers, leopard rainbows, dolly varden, and Arctic grayling, not to worry – it’s 2014 and that means it’s a Pink Year! Unlike the other four species of Pacific salmon, the pink salmon’s pilgrimage to their spawning grounds occurs every other year. Aside from a few stragglers during odd years, at Alaska West we witness an extremely large run of pinks during even-numbered years.
Why Pinks?
Although Pink Salmon may not be the target species of your Great Alaskan Adventure, they are a great change of pace on light tackle and we look forward to their return. Load up that 6 weight with a popper and get ready for some aggressive surface activity! Planning on bringing the kids? Pinks will keep the rod bent and the smiles coming. Not to mention they add more biomass to the river for our beloved Rainbows…
Thinking of tackling the Salmon Grand Slam? Pinks are a part of the title and this is the year to do it!
If you are joining us this year at Alaska West, we look forward to sticking some Pinks with you. If not, maybe you should consider it!
Your ghillie needs a shave. 😉