Today’s post is…just what it says.
Three Random Fishing Tips
- Try swinging your bead for dollies. Eggs don’t swing in real life, but for some reason dolly varden can be attracted to egg patterns tearing across the current. The next time you’re on a dolly flat, try a combination of dead drift and swung presentations – you might be surprised when the eats come.
- Strip your ‘cuda fly the instant it hits the water. ‘Cudas don’t respond well to flies that land, stop for a second and then start moving. When you make your shot at a ‘cuda, make sure you don’t let go of the running line entirely. Keep contact with it in your non-casting hand, and as soon as your fly hits the water, strip like there’s no tomorrow.
- High five your guide. Your guide loves fishing at least as much as you do – it’s a career for a reason. When you land that particularly awesome fish, share the excitement with your guide. It’s a heck of a lot of fun when ‘the team’ celebrates the wins.
I’m always up for #3!