50 Things We Love About Fishing
- Morning light
- Line cuts
- High fives
- Beers on tailgates
- Screaming reels
- Solitude
- Inventing the perfect fly
- Packing for a trip
- Hitting the perfect cast
- Stepping into a run
- Fishing a friend’s fly
- Sweet slow rods
- Virgin cork
- The white rabbit
- Slashing strikes
- Laughter
- Turning the cell phone off
- Putting a friend in the bucket and having it work
- Evening hatches
- The ‘splish splash’ of wading a flat
- The Bimini Twist
- Shore lunch
- The first cast of the day
- Poppers
- Keeping secrets
- Getting a fly back from a snag
- Sharing a wee nip
- Fake fish size controversy
- Bleary-eyed McDonald’s stops
- Piles of old fishing licenses
- Coining new phrases
- The Soul Noodle
- Exploring new water
- Teaching kids
- Dry fly days
- The tug
- Tailing fish
- Rum and tonic with a lime
- Assembling the quiver
- Good coolers
- Wooden drift boats
- Old guys outfishing young guys
- New waders
- That broken in cap
- Storytelling
- Keeping a rod rigged
- Pulling into camp
- Stalking fish
- Anticipation
How about you?
Good one, guy’s. An incurable insomniac, I’ll no longer count sheep. I’ll pick one of the fifty for dream subject matter. Best.
Ed F.
Thanks Ed – great hearing from you!
51. Being up before dawn and before the rest of the world
52. When that dark shape on a flat turns out to be a fish after all
53. Changing your fly and it working
54. Heading home to the wife and kids
55. Seeing your fly work the best on the river.
56. Pulling the best trout out the “slack water” that the crowds of anglers all passed right by without a glance.
watching, waiting, & catching a rising fish in a perfect seam, watching it slide back in the eternal flowing water to be caught again in the future….