We have had some great weather this year at Alaska West – weather that makes you want to take a quick swim, maybe wet wade during some spey instruction with Whitney Gould before dinner, or just sit around in shorts and a t-shirt talking with friends. Sounds great right?
Well that is not the whole story, because with the added heat this season we have also experienced an increase in bug life. Mosquitoes, no see ums, white socks…they are all out in force. Our best solution to beat the heat and the bugs is a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, but don’t forget to add some Kanektok “Axe” Body Spray, also known as 3M’s Ultrathon.

It’s the best way we know to keep the bugs off.
ultrathon is available as a lotion in a tube too when you can’t carry the spray some place. I found mine at bean’s, but I expect it is available elsewhere too
They were ferocious in week two… One week after some epic high temperatures in Alaska. Options were to pray for wind, keep moving, stay covered or stay indoors! Thank goodness for the princess drapes over the beds, best thing ever and thank you!
Used the Ultrathon goop, supposedly rated for 12 hours but by lunch the beasts were feasting, so more frequent applications were needed. Still waiting for my skin to melt off after the DEET and PABA combination from needed sunscreen….
If possible, could you ask JEB about the hippy eucalyptus stuff that he uses?
Awesome trip, thanks AK West team!
Curious how bad the misquitos, etc are later in the year? i.e. September. thanks!
Hi Dan,
Normally by September the mosquitos aren’t too bad – that’s when you get more visits from white sox and no see ums (both real small bugs).