Jordan Sly joins us again today with a cool little story about the nature surrounding Alaska West.
New Life on the Island
One of my favorite parts about working for Alaska West is the growth and wildlife I get to see throughout our fishing season.
I’m on the setup and take-down crew, so I’m among the first people to camp, and one of the last to leave. Often when we arrive in camp there is still snow on the ground, and when we leave it isn’t far off. The branches are all bare when we arrive, soon the leaves start to show up, the flowers bloom, everything is green, but shortly after the leaves turn and start to fall.
Within the three and a half months I spend at Alaska West I see three of four seasons – it’s amazing. The fishing is great, camp is fun, the guests are awesome, but one of my favorite parts is the life and growth one can see.

This year we are lucky enough to have a visible bird’s nest around camp, and the other day four little guys (or gals, I don’t know how to tell) hatched. One took an extra day to hatch out, but all four look healthy and fuzzy.
Editor’s Note: Any ornithologists out there want to ID these little guys?
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