If you come to Andros South in May and want a bit of local flavor, bring a headlamp and work gloves for some Land Crabbin’. It’s a great way to spend some time with the friendly staff, see a bit of the backcountry and have a bunch of fun running around the jungle.

Land Crabs spend most of their life in the Bahamian backcountry eating leaves, berries and various bugs. But once the first big rains of the season hit, it’s time for them to leave the dry land and get ready to do the nasty. It’s mating season and they prepare by making an annual migration to the salt. Here they rinse off, drink from the ocean and well, just freshen up a bit.

Their journey to the salt crosses the more populated part of the island, which exposes them to the locals who have made Land Crabbin’ an annual fun-fest. There are no traps involved – you just pick them up!
Each evening you will find folks all over the island with flashlights, burlap sacks and 50 gallon drums lining the lone street in search of Mr. Crabby…who only wants a little love.
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