We’ve got a three-way post today – Jordan Sly weighs in from Alaska West with a great, practical fly tying tip he picked up from angler Kevin Harris.
Thanks guys!
Tying with Twist Ties
I’ll be adding a couple twist ties to my tying kit after watching Kevin Harris tie a couple flies in the lounge last night here at Alaska West. When tying a fly with marabou, ostrich, or honestly anything that won’t stay in a material clip, just pinch it down to the shank with a twist tie. It’s super fast, easy, and keeps everything out of the way.
No need to twist it up – the wire should keep its shape. I prefer the twist ties that look like thin pipe cleaners because I feel they hold the material better and are more gentle.
Reverse marabou flies anyone?
Great tip!
I “manage” my materials while tying doing something similar with tiny (1/8″, 3/16″, 1/4″) orthodontic rubber bands of various sizes. They’re cheap and effective. They work especially good at keeping bucktail, SF Blend, etc. under control.
The twist ties that come with Rio and other fly lines are perfect for this as is lead wire
I smoke it pipe, I get my pipe cleaners “Free of charge”, so guess what I use?