One of the great opportunities that fishing provides is the ability to learn about the people in the places we visit and fish. Almost every guide at one time or another tells us stories that take us further in the local culture.
At Andros South, our guide Josie Sands stores his handmade sailboat by leaning it up against the side of his bar, “The Oceanview”, which overlooks our boat launch at Little Creek. Josie crafted this sailboat all with his own two hands using native Androsian horseflesh wood. He used a skill saw for some of the specific cuts, but the majority of the work was done with traditional use of a hammer and hatchet, a hand planer, a handsaw, a drill and other tools.
Josie usually races his sailboats during June and July, and The Oceanview is adorned with trophies from his victories.
Make sure you ask around and learn about the people in the places you visit!
It’s finished! Tell Josie Mr. Michael says congrats.
Will do – pretty amazing to see the finished product!
Wow! He finished it already? Would love to see some shots of it fully rigged and under sail. Well done Josie, incredible craftsmanship!
Josie can handle a rod, handed him an outfit one day and made him wade the flats and fish. We had a ball catching fish. Looks like he is a master craftsman as well.
Hope to get back down there and share another cold beverage with him.