We’ve always said that our business is built, first and foremost, on the finest fisheries in the world. Really remote, really productive fisheries are hard to come by, and we are incredibly fortunate to spend our lives on three of the best.
Bruce Chard is one of a bunch of long-time guests at Andros South who have noticed something about the fishing this year – as good as it has been in the past, it seems to be getting better and better. Here are Bruce’s comments on the (very happy) situation.
Even Better
I have been pretty lucky to have fished the Bahamas for bonefish for the last 21 years. Over these years I’ve fished different islands and chains. In my experience I have noticed when I return again and again to the same general area, that the fishing slowly declines every trip I go. Fish are even more spooky and there are less fish to be seen year after year. I would think that this is due to the pressure of constant fishing day in and day out. This adds up over time and fish move one.
For the past 6 years I have been fishing out of Andros South Lodge on South Andros. This area of the world has by far the best bonefishing that I have found in the Bahamas so far, for many reasons. One is the square miles of human uninhabited bonefish flats is off the charts. Second are the many different types of bonefishing that Andros South as to offer. West side big bones, south side with huge schools and large sweeping sand bar flats, East side entrances to endless creeks and inland bays offering consistent shots and singles and schools with many different mangrove edges and coast line flats to fish.
This diversity is endless and offers some of the best wading for bonefish in the world.
I experienced something special on both of my 2 trips to Andros South this season. This past November and January I hosted my annual bonefish schools and experienced some of the best bonefishing I have ever had at Andros South. I first thought that is was just the weather that helped to create the great fishing I experienced for the first couple days of my trip in November, but the numbers of fish and size of fish continue to increase throughout the week making this week one of the best weeks of bonefishing I have ever seen – this coming after I have fished this are for 6 years now.
I knew that this was not a fluke when I returned in January and experienced much the same increase of fish and size of fish for the entire week with friends of mine all having record best days that week. I personally had 2 of the top 10 days I have ever had.
I have since talked to some other friends that have since (on different weeks) experienced great/improved bonefishing. So to hear this from others and experience it myself makes me think that bonefishing in South Andros is actually getting better and better – which is hard to believe for the fishing at Andros South is the best I have ever seen.
Get in on the Fun
Want to enjoy a pristine, productive fishery in its prime? Drop us a line – we’d love to have you join us at Andros South.
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