Jordan Sly today is back with a handful of tips on maintaining your fly fishing gear.
Take good care of all that fancy stuff!
Don’t Fold – Roll.
If you can’t hang your waders up, always roll them. Folds can cause creases, and creases can cause cracks and thin spots. So instead, place both feet side by side, and roll from feet to chest. This will get all the air out, and have minimal creases.
Keep Your Fly Box Dry.
Those “do not eat” silica packets found in beef jerky do a great job of keeping the fly box and boat bag dry when they aren’t being used.
Keep the Lid Off.
It’s always important to put your rod somewhere safe for the drive home, but leave the lid off the tube. It will be able to dry out a little bit, and that way if you forget to take it out and properly dry it when you get home, you won’t end up with a fuzzy, cracked up cork.
Keep it Out of the Sun.
UV rays are bad for almost all fishing products. It will eat the coating on your fly line, weaken Gore-Tex, break laces, fade that favorite fly, crack and delaminate rod finish around the guides and ferrules…the list goes on. So just store your gear out of the sun.
Love the silica packet idea – great tip.
I 100% endorse the silica tip. There are several places where you can buy the silica packets on line. However, I found the silica powder available is craft stores. I make packets out of little squares of cheese clolth and pull the edges together and tie it tight with some string. I put them in my fly boxes, in my waders, in my rod tube, and anywhere I think may be subject to moisture.
Hi, thanks for the tips
another that works great for me is to keep the lines out of the reel at home.