A couple of weeks ago we asked you to submit the worst fishing tips you’ve ever received – and you folks came up with some dandies! Wow, there’s a lot of bad advice out there.
The winner of our contest was Alaska West guest Derek Fritz, who had the misfortune of being told…
“Oh my god, that’s a GIANT fish….be careful with him, I’ll get my camera.”
We found this comment to be particularly terrible because it violated not one, not two, but three cardinal rules of fishing juju.
- Referring to the large size of a fish prior to it being in the net.
- Telling an angler to ‘be careful’ with a fish – you need to fight nice fish with determination, not care, in our book.
- Saying the ‘C’ word while a fish is on. If you must refer to a piece of photographic equipment during a battle with a fish, say “my yellow Pelican case” or even “that thing in the left chest pocket of my raincoat”…but please, never, ever say the ‘C’ word.
Congrats, Derek. We’re glad your fishing career survived such horribly bad device. Your prize – a pair of Abel nippers – is on its way.
Thanks to everybody for weighing in!
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