Three years ago we ran a post in which some expert anglers weighed in on the most common casting mistake made by novice anglers.
One of the experts offered such a gem that we figured it deserved its own post. Besides, three years ago our readership pretty much consisted of your editor’s mom and a handful of fishing buddies…
Mike Sanders is our General Manager here at Deneki Outdoors. He’s a wise man and one heck of an angler. Mike’s casting advice was simple but golly couldn’t be more true – “A fly in the air catches no fish.”
A Fly in the Air Catches No Fish.
All the time you spend false casting and re-casting and blowing casts because you tried to cast too far and oh-man-I-really-wanted-to-land-it-6-inches-to-the-left-so-strip-it-all-back-in-false-cast-false-cast-false-cast-oops-it-landed-in-the-same-spot-anyhow-ing? That’s wasted fishing time.
You know those guys who always seem to catch the most fish? Watch one of those guys for a little while – more often than not you’ll realize that it’s not as much about fly selection or incredible casting ability. Guys who catch a lot of fish tend to be the guys who spend more time fishing.
But here’s the important point – by fishing we don’t mean ‘spending time on the water with a rod in hand’. We mean actually fishing – swimming (or floating) their fly in (or on) the water, presenting it to fish. Great anglers spend very little time casting. They spend more time fishing, and that’s the only time you have a shot at catching a fish. Drop that fly in (or on) the water and fish it!
A fly in the air catches no fish. Got it?
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