Every once in a while we come across some metric related to our web site that knocks our socks off. Today was one of those days.
You see, our real business is running fishing lodges. A few years back we started posting content on our site that we thought would be interesting and helpful to those of you who like to fly fish, and it’s been pretty amazing to see how we’re now in contact with tons of anglers from all over the world.
We really like conversations with you folks, so we’re particularly happy to see lots of comments (4200+ so far), but since the fly fishing world is a pretty small world, it’s fun to see big numbers too. That leads us to the number you see above.
As of sometime last week, pages on our web site have been viewed over two million times. Whoa.
Thanks so much to all of you for taking the time to read what we write (and for looking at all the pretty pictures too). We hope to see you on the water someday!
P.S. For those of you wondering about that big jump halfway down the little graphs up there – that’s what happens when you start a blog.
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