Week 4 is once again the Jeff Hickman BC fish fiesta week. Jeff’s returning buddies of Jim Greenleaf and Steve Grover were joined by (Alaska West veteran) Justin Dawson and fellow Oregonians Wally and Jeremy Hull. Additionally we had yet another British invasion of father and son Michael Fletcher and son Ben.
Fishing was, well, insanely good. Dropping water, some late Chinooks, and waves of Steelhead on every tide made for some spectacular inter-tidal zone fishing, with numerous fish simply running backing out into Dean Channel to be pursued by the boat and landed on the tidal flats.
The water conditions dropped another 18″ and clarity neared 36″. Numerous fish were also hooked on big dries, with the new Idylwilde ‘Darth Skater’, a fun bug to watch chugging through the riffles. Steve Grover went from a one fish to hand last season to over 11 on in one day! Numerous 36″ bucks we landed, plus a couple big mystery fish were lost after spooling anglers in distant log-jams, there was simply no stopping them.
Mike Fletcher was quoted as saying “Dean Steelhead are the hottest freshwater fish he has ever encountered”, including those caught on a half dozen Russian Atlantic Salmon adventures.
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