We’re thrilled to announce that the Deneki Gear Store is open for business – we now have logo gear from our lodges available to you online!
We’re getting started with t-shirts, as well as hats and visors. Those cool Salmon Grand Slam and Bonefish t-shirts we’ve given away a few times on our site? You can find them right here.
To keep things as simple as possible starting out, we’re only shipping to U.S. addresses right now. Our friends overseas mean a lot to us…thanks so much for your patience – we’re working on international shipping options as well.
Speaking of patience, lots of you have been asking to buy our gear online for a good long while now. We really appreciate you sticking it out.
Now that we’re up and running, we’d love any suggestions that you have on Deneki gear that you’d like for us to carry. Your input means a lot – leave us a comment with any feedback.
Drop on by the Deneki Gear Store and have a look around!
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