One thing that makes flats fishing a bit of a mind game is that you’re painfully aware of every mistake you make.
You can see the fish. In a place like Andros Island, you know that, if you get your fly in front of him, he’s probably going to eat it. When you fail to do that, it’s tough to blame anybody but yourself.
But flats fishing is fun because it’s challenging! It wouldn’t feel so great to hook up if every shot resulted in success. Don’t get down on yourself – have some fun out there.
Everybody Blows Shots
And besides, everybody blows shots. Your fishing partner blows shots. Your guide blows shots. Andy Mill blows shots. Bruce Chard blows shots.
It’s part of the game, and it makes flats fishing fun. When you blow your next shot, allow yourself to be mad for about .4 seconds. Then get your head back in the game, get ready for your next shot, and keep having fun out there.
Yeah, but when you blow the last shot of the day, on the last day of the trip, on a nice fish… that one stings a little.
Nice to hear I’m not the only one!
cant agree more ,on that last shot of the last day…thats what keeps us going back, no?