And once again it’s contest time here on the Deneki Outdoors blog! Golly, another chance to win yourself a free t-shirt.
- Post a comment to this page containing a haiku about the Louis Cahill photo above. You know how to write a haiku, right? First line – 5 syllables. Second line – 7 syllables. Third line – 5 syllables. No rhyming required.
- Multiple entries are allowed.
- On Tuesday, January 17th we’ll pick what we deem to be the best entry, and we’ll send that author a free Ed Hepp-designed bonefish t-shirt. We’ll announce the winner on Wednesday the 18th.
- Only comments on this page count – if you’re reading this in a newsletter or a reader, click here to submit your entry.
- May the best poet win.
In your best Bahamian accent:
Torrey “Fishin-n”
Gat-chore ass stanky cuda
Time ta gets mi strayyt
Cuda on the fly
And my rod-in-mouth pose
We toothy muthas.
Cuda bites the fly
The Cuda slices the man
The man bites the rod
I gnarly Cuda
Drew me some blood from this man
Cahill is tasty
Take that you crazy
I give you the stink eye face
Put me back damn you
Gliding ‘cross the flats,
Blue skies and salty water –
Barracuda dreams.
two hands of angry
and a good mouthful of cork–
diff’rent worlds, same bite
Green fly, Cuda eats
Sharp teeth slashing, tippet holds
Bad boy comes to hand
One with a hooked mouth
The other hooked on his rod handle
Which one is big ugly
The toothy fish bit
My streamer and line held strong
My rod grip tastes sweet
So Big and Shiny
Oh my what Beautiful Teeth
Fish teeth are nice too!
This fish I have caught
without much effort at all
Release, then Tebow.
Bleed, Bleed, Bleed, Bleed, Bleed
Such is the life of a fish
which cannot abstain.
If I only could
Says the fish to the angler
bite off your fingers.
Catch or do not catch
There is no almost land him
says Master Yoda
This is so much fun
But I think I have begun
to go overboard
Where the large fish lurks
The warm sun upon my back
I now know Heaven
Waters come alive
Azure blue, then the white foam
Now quiet; line broke
Squinting, casting, wait
Feel the taking, set the hook
Success, now release
Long hasty cast
The sound of toothy death
Cuda for market
Grinnin’ for da shot
Torrie’s holdin his dinnah
Barracuda smiles
Dog fish silver swims fast
runs with fly to backings edge
now in hand photo
oops how about
dog fish silver fast
runs with fly to backings edge
now in hand photo
Garth-It’s like we’re looking down on Wayne’s basement. Only that’s not Wayne’s basement.
Wayne- Garth that was a haiku
this is how we met
out there, under a blue sky
breathless, hearts pounding
Caught you by suprise,
You bit my fly on the run,
Oh Barracuda
Here are a couple…
In Latin, I’m called
Sphyraena barracuda.
Big name, bigger teeth.
Who gets that last laugh?
Revenge is my middle name.
Watch your legs, smiley…
I just chewed your prop.
I think it’s called “quid pro quo”.
Have a nice walk home.
I HATE getting caught.
Think your arm is bloody now?
Gimme a minute.
Silent, bright teeth shine.
Sun blesses red hands, red reel, wide smile.
Noble, silver, dead.
Red hands grasp his bright
coat of mail, white in the sun,
nobility dies.
“He died for nothing,”
sniffled Fish 1 to Fish 2,
“Great photo, though, yes?”
Thanks so much everyone for the fantastic entries so far! You folks are awesome.
Just a quick note for the folks who might not be familiar with life on an island like ours. South Andros is an extremely rural place where many people live a semi-subsistence lifestyle. The ocean is an important source of food for South Androsians, and barracudas like this one sometimes get killed and eaten by our staff and their families.
Torrey the strider
No fish is too far for him
Strip fast, jump once, nice.
Dem Bonefish fight good
But Cuda taste mo betta
Cork not so good mon
He knew a good place / where the sky and clouds meet up / the fish swim freely
the barracuda
ah, mister Louis Cahill
… goes barracuda!
fishy fisherman
holding a barracuda
against my wishes
in the same summer
… a fisherman and cuda
get admiration
the barracudas
and the South Androsians hold
the ocean table
Baddest of da falt
Fish all know Torrie is dat
Till Josie show up
Part 2……….
Freddie sing all day
Charlie love to wade today
Torrie talkin smack
Josie just smiles wide
Catchin cuda for da girls
Slacktide bar awaits
Just another day
Heaven in Kemps Bay
Where we love to play
I’ve got an invite
You are coming to dinner
Cuda, meet the wife.
Long body, sharp teeth
Hope you have a steel leader
Jump, rip, reel, repeat.
Cuda, he’s my friend,
An assassin on the flats
Violence and power.
gr8 cuda & I…
in town: legally known as
the South Androsians
the cuda: fearsome…
my old friend from South Andros
walks humbly with God
Why I Tie Flies: A Haiku
I like to tie flies,
Then watch the fish eat my fly,
Instant orgasm!
Haiku for Great Barracuda:
Mean toothy Critter,
With mouth full of big sharp Teeth,
Simon says…Show Teeth!
Top of food chain caught
Carries bottom of food chain ciguatera alge
Guides family takes big risk
Cuda shreds streamer
Andros guide chews salty cork
both flossing white teeth
Blood arm Redington
Blue green sea sky shirt fly eye
Toothy grin match up
Clouds build at Andros
green fluff fooled baracuda
who bit who – or what?
Ray finned fish folly
ciquatera carrier
eater risks toxins.
Man strikes fish stikes meet –
Grandma you have such big teeth.
Redington rides hood.
Yeahh, I am back Jack!
With a big Cuda jack, smack!
Guide smiling a crack!
Ps. :>)) do it to the beat of Kid Rock Forever. …..makes it more fun!
White hooked bait sails red
into the blue. Eat & run.
It was a fair match.
Andrew, my dear, we send love & respect to the pescatarian population of your lovely islands. One must eat as one needs to do, yes?
As a visual artist, I found the sterling fish, the brilliant smile, & the bright blue sky quite startling against the red blood. It is an exceptionally well-composed image, speaking directly to the way things are, mortality, & living in the present moment. Thank you for sharing it, & thank you for your delightfully creative contest!
Brightest blessings & warmest regards…Cocoa Fly Fishes
Stripped fast – vicious strike
Tooth , rod, reel – blood is runnin’
Cuda is spotted!
Sharp teeth to eat you
Now, add my teeth to greet you
Sharp teeth, Greet teeth, Teeth