It’s contest time! The rules are very simple.
- Have a look at the fly box above.
- Based on its contents, guess where (region/province/state is fine) and when (which month) the picture was taken.
- Submit your answer in a comment on this page.
- On Monday the 12th we’ll do a drawing from everyone who gave the correct answer, and we’ll send one of those correct answer-givers a free super cool Alaska Grand Slam t-shirt!
UPDATE: Congratulations to Thatcher Beaty – he was one of the folks who correctly guessed Alaska in August, and his name got drawn so he’s the proud owner of a Grand Slam T-shirt! Thanks to everyone who chimed in.
That’ll be a box that that is used on your favorite rivers in Alaska. I see some flesh flies and some beads…along with some swanging bugs…so there you go
Looks like rainbow food to me. I will say this picture is from Alaska sometime in early August.
Alaska, early Sept?
Southwest Alaska, middle of August, Arolik river.
A mix of egg patterns, intruders and such looks like a good mix for salmon, steelhead and trout so my guess… October in British Columbia.
Alaska, August
While I’d be tempted to say otherwise, I’ll also go with Alaska, September. (Why give away an Alaska Grand Slam t-shirt with a pic from anywhere else?)
I think this is Andrew Bennett’s fly box last week of august 2010 at Alaska West Tent lodge!
Alaska West, early September
Alaska, August
Midwest,November… Great lakes steelies… cold
Sculpins, Beads, some fleshy things… I’d say up in Alaska, the unknown place, Arolik River.. Gotta change the time period to July though
Has to be a fly box that is used on the Kanektok River in Alaska, the only thing I didn’t see in the box was Jim’s mouse pattern.
Alaska, September 5
I think Jason has the answer
oh wait, Also I say the month of August after the salmon spawn
I would say Alaska in August. Egg flies, flesh flies, big swinging flies, everything you need.
Dean River, July time frame.
Silver Creek, Idaho in June… I know there’s gotta be some PMD’s under that flesh.
Just occurred to me, suppose they’re throwing us a curve here? Deliberately leading everyone astray? [would they do that to us?]
Second guess for me is Chile West. Down near the sea, going after those big sea run trout and king salmon.
Alaska, october and rainbow trout fishing?…maybe!
Alaska for sure with the eggs and streamers. August
alaska – july
British Columbia – September.
I would guess Michigan either October or November but I am a Midwestern boy.
alaska august
Alaska in August. Looks like mine from my trip in 2007. Only I had several boxes.
Great Lakes tribs in Nov.
Alaska Rainbows- end of july through august
Flesh and egg patterns, beads, Bristol Bay area of Alaska, probably the Kenektok, judging by the faded beads and white flesh patterns, I’m going with later in the season, so September.
Alaska west, August
Looks like Alaska in August. Flesh flies, egg flies, targeting rainbows and char.
bruce chard’s bonefish box with barracuda egg patterns for South Andros ( notice not weighted for skinny water)
K-tok trout box
I’m going to have to go with Alaska in July as well.
Everyone is going with Alaska, and they are prolly right…. So I am going with the outside chance it is B.C. late fall, few Salmon(‘cept zombies), no Steel, but a lot of Bulltrout.
Somebody had to…..
The photo was taken August 28, 2010 at 4:16 pm ( I know that for sure) and I am guessing in Alaska
Alaska in August!
The box is nice mix for Alaska!!
Alaska, August
Alaska in Sepetember!
British Columbia – September
Alaska, August
Alaska west August , fishing for BoBo(rainbow trout)
Alaska in August
I will go with Alaska September – October
late summer alaska.
SW Alaska, August. Bonus points if the box is from the Alaska Fly Shop!