A few months back we had a lot of fun running a little contest for a free Salmon Grand Slam T-Shirt. We had these new t-shirts sitting in our warehouse, but didn’t have our web store up and running – so we decided to give one away.
Well guess what! Our Senior VP of E-Commerce spent the summer fishing instead of finishing up our web store, so we’re still sitting on some super cool shirts. We’re entering our bonefishing season on Andros Island next month – so this time around it’s all about the Bahamas.
Complete This Sentence, Win a Free T-Shirt
Just like last time, the format is pretty simple! If you want a chance to win a free bonefish T-shirt like the one you see above, add a comment to this post that completes the following sentence:
“I want to fish Andros Island this winter because…”
On Tuesday, September 13th, we’re going to pick our favorite comment, contact the person who made the comment, and send you a free T-shirt.
Just like that!
NOTE: If you’re viewing this in a newsletter or a reader, click here to go to our web site and add your comment.
Because I have the freezer full of Salmon and it’s time to move on to warm water and BIG Bones.
“I want to fish Andros Island this winter because…”
I don’t want to put a carp on my new Tshirt.
cause the pirates have captured the Seychelles
I want to fish Andros Island this winter because viewing fish porn all day is only making things worse at home with the wifey.
It’s the easiest way to find a cold six-pack of Kalick.
…driving two hours to the river in a Colorado blizzard, then standing in a river waving a stick in near frozen water, and then realizing you have to go pee, but are wearing four layers of clothing under your waders makes you CRAZY!
I want to fish Andros this winter to feel the warmth of the sun on my neck instead of warmth from the woodburner, feel the weight of a bonefish in my hand instead of the weight of a splitting maul in my gloved hand, to look out and see white sands instead of dirty white snow, to wade in sun warmed water in shorts instead of icy cold water in insulated waders, to see my wife laying in the sun in something pleasing to the eye instead of flannel jammies and wrapped in a blanket, to hear the waves gently lapping on the shore instead of the cold wind thrashing against the windows.
I want to fish ANdros this winter because I have no life but would like to start one!!!
yelling ” fish on” is way more fun than “shovelling on”.
I want to fish Andros this winter because the fish there will surely be biting better than the fish here in S.C!
I want to fish Andros Island this winter because…a decade from now I can talk about how I’ve come there every winter since 2012…
I want to fish Andros Island this winter because i cant afford a squaw pass anyway.
I want to fish Andros South this winter because I’m addicted to the pull and man I’m jonesing!!
I want to fish Andros Island this winter because I HAVE to do Disney in July with the in-laws.
I want to fish andros island because i have more BONE than these FISH can handle…..LOL
I want to fish Andros Island this winter because dem bones is awesome !
I want to fish Andros Island this winter because it’s number one on my bucket list and I want to find out if the up coming back surgery worked!
I want to fish Andros Islands this winter because I hear its the most fun I would ever have with my clothes still on.
I want to fish Andros Islands this winter because I have just come out of a winter in Oz and need to thaw out my cold bones with some warm bones.
I want to fish Andros Island this winter because Michigan winters suck!
I want to fish Andros Island this winter because us kiwis have only rainbow trout that run up to around the 9 to 10 pound mark and brownies around 11 to 12 pound mark and it would be great to tackel your big bonies up there in the north and show case an other fishery, kindest regards to you all from us all down under.
I want to fish Andros Island this winter because it’s for real men!!!
I want to fish Andros Island this winter because Alaska has too much snow right now!
I want to fish at Andros Island this winter because:
(to the beat of the 12 days of Christmas)
12 Kalik on ice
11 rooms so nice
10 pound bonefish tailing
9 O-clock 40 feet
8 weight a flippin
7 days in heaven
6 boats a poling
5 O-clock Slack Tide
4 the sun and
3 types of rum
2 much fun
And a lounge chair on the beach!
I want to fish Andros Island this winter because I’ll needing a warm bed after she finds out that this new reel cost more than her engagement ring.
I want to fish Andros Island this winter because I’ve never caught a bone’.
I would rather be fighting a bonefish than with my wife. At least I have a chance with the bonefish.
because I want to kiss a bonefish!
Kansas is cold in the winter!
because Fall is already here…
I want to fish Andros Island this winter because
Of the following:
I as I lay my head for long winters nap
I hear the faint crash of a lingering white cap
As I see the bonefish’s sparkle of its scales
I now know my wife’s excitement when she walks in to Zale’s
Then out on the water there rose such a clatter
I rose my head to see what was the matter
Away from my rod my line flew in a flash
Hoping my fly would arrive before it would dash
I cast again, cast again, I cast again more
I darts here to there so fast is my fishing that poor
I snap the line back and cast long and true
It lands so clean in all that blue
The line snaps tight and he begins to run
I really can’t remember if I’ve ever had such fun
The fight is surely one for the books
I can’t wait to get it the boat to see all the looks
The day was full of fighting amazing foe
I wonder when I may actually go
As I wake to my alarm clock ringing
I know the salty Andros breeze is singing
But I am here
And it is there
I want to fish Andros this winter so I can feel the Bahamian breeze on my face, the soft sand under my feet and the sound of my reel on fire when that big bone takes my fly.
I love the warm sun on my face the wind at my back and jose sands barking “Why you do dat?” after I pile up my fly line casting to big bones. Returning to the slack tide for some tasty appetizers and some liquid pain killer to help heal my wounds.
“I want to fish Andros Island this winter because…
before I die, I want to catch a bonefish off of every island in the Bahamas, and after Eleuthera, Long Island, and Exuma, Andros is next on the list!”
because I live to fish and I have not been living large lately… Tight Lines!
I want to fish at Andros Island this winter because it feels like home when I arrive, the typical fish you cast to are larger, AND the Kalik in the tropical sun tastes MUCH better.
I want to fish Andros Island this winter because… I just married a bonefish fanatic – and I’d rather hear that euphoric Zzzziiiiiiiiiiiiing instead of those annoying holiday chipmunks.
I want to fish Andros Island this winter because…
I promised my new wife a tropical honeymoon with cold Kalik, cracked conch, miles of flats, stalking 10 lb. Andros bones. Can you believe this is what SHE really wants to do? 🙂 I think I finally caught the big one.
The Pontius family is definitely on the same page! That is awesome – congratulations, you two.
I want to fish Andros this winter because I have been fishing it for ten years…and never got a Tshirt! And thats an awesome one…just like the bonefishin. Home away from Home!