Wow! While working on some upcoming posts, your fearless editor just happened upon this little tidbit – to date we’ve had 1,321 comments on our site. We’re devoting today to thanking all of you who have left comments – we really appreciate it! This whole blogging thing is a lot more interesting when it’s interactive, and we’re grateful for all of your votes, questions, opinions, input and more.
A Few Posts With Lots of Comments
- 90 readers told us why they want to fish in Alaska this summer.
- 14 of you have contributed your favorite fishing tips.
- 46 anglers so far have told us about their favorite steelhead rod.
- 27 people have weighed in with their thoughts on bananas in the boat.
- 44 owners of fly fishing web sites have asked to be added to our directory.
Pretty awesome, huh?
Special Recognition
WindKnot has a blog of his own called Flatswalker where he writes all about fishing on the flats. 24 times, though, he’s stopped by our blog to contribute with some really insightful comments. Exhibit A: his post-within-a-comment on our article about how to pack for your day of bonefishing. Exhibit B: great input on how to tie leaders for fishing on the flats. There’s lots more where those came from. Thanks a ton, WindKnot!
Thanks Again
There’s a bunch more of you who have been huge contributors, and a whole boatload who have commented once or twice. We appreciate it and we thank you. We love your comments – please leave one any time!
Funny that I happened back across your site as you posted this today. I was just thinking how much I enjoy reading your blog, and was feeling compelled to leave a comment and let you know. Great blog, one of the few that I actively seek out every couple weeks or so for some good reads.
Thanks so much Nick – great timing! We really appreciate the good words.
Hi Andrew-
Did you get a chance to read my missal/ditty to all the good people at Alaska West who helped make my week’s stay at A.W. such an
enjoyable, memorable one. Yes, this even includes you. Anyrate,one
of those memorable fishing days included landing 6 different spe- cies of gamefish, and yes, I am going to bore you with them because
I thought it was pretty neat. They were as follows: Chum salmon, Pink salmon, Silver salmon, Rainbow trout, Dolly Vardon trout and
Arctic Grayling, respectively. So thanks for hiring skilled guides who
every day put me on fish. The rest was up to me. Yours in catch &
release (just not every single one). Michael
P.S. my hooch was Grand Slam, if that has any bearing on any-