We’re back today with more lake fishing video action featuring George Cook! George has already given us an introduction to fly fishing in lakes, and some tips on fishing lakes in spots with a tough backcast.
Today’s topic is an overview of the flies you should consider when fishing lakes for trout.
In the video, George takes us through his small fly box first. He covers…
- Waterboatmen
- Chironomids – one of the favorites day in/day out, in various sizes and colors
- Damselflies
- Scuds
In the section on streamer fishing, George takes us through some flies and rigging.
- The Twin Lakes Special a.k.a. Thin Mint – One of the go-to patterns of all time
- Fergus’s Hale Bopp Leech
- Some brighter options for mid-day
- Lines, leaders and tippet to fish with streamers in lakes
NOTE: If you’re viewing this in a newsletter or a reader, click here to learn about flies for lakes on YouTube.
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