Here at Deneki Outdoors we’re pretty excited about the recent arrival of some super-cool original new T-shirts! One has an awesome bonefish design for the flats-inclined, and the other pays homage to the fabled Alaska Grand Slam (that would be all 5 Pacific Salmon, all in a day, all on a fly – like we do it at Alaska West). But we digress.
Here’s the problem – we’re toiling away on our web store, but it’s not up and running yet, and these shirts are burning a hole in our warehouse! We can think of only one solution – give one away.
Complete This Sentence, Win a Free T-Shirt
Here’s how this is going to work. If you want a chance to win a free Alaska Grand Slam T-shirt, add a comment to this post that completes the following sentence:
“I want to fish in Alaska this summer because…”
On Wednesday, May 11th, we’re going to pick our favorite comment, contact the person who made the comment, and send you a free T-shirt.
May the best sentence-completer win.
NOTE: If you’re viewing this in a newsletter or a reader, click here to go to our web site and add your comment.
I want to fish in Alaska this summer because a week of swinging flies on the mighty Kanektok, in the company of spey greatness and in what I truly consider to be God’s country, HAS to be a life changing experience.
“I want to fish in Alaska this summer because…” it’s too damn hot to fly fish in Texas in the summer.
I want to fish in Alaska this summer because Alaska West has been beckoning me for years, pulling on the tipits to my heart and brain.
I want to fish in Alaska this summer because …. It’s Alaska.
I want to fish in Alaska this summer simply because I have always wanted to but because I am just your average Joe fly guy and will never be able to go without help.
“I want to fish in Alaska this summer because… I deserve it!”
I want to fish in Alaska this summer because it’s a dream to try fly fishing in Alaska for seeing the difference with fly fishing atlantic salmon on Québec rivers…
—-because it is the ultimate in fine fishing. It is a once in a lifetime experience and I have had the privilege to fish Alaska several time in years past and I’m getting a little old to plan on it much longer.
I want to fish in Alaska this summer because if I get hit by a bus tomorrow, I don’t want to have to stew in hell for having never fished there.
I want to fish in Alaska this summer because the time line in my previous comment is way off! 🙂
Although I will fish in Alaska(because I live here), there is no finer place or finer people than the staff and guests at Alaska West!
I want to fish in Alaska this summer because… I think it would make a perfect honeymoon for me and my fiancée.
…there is no place better on of Mother Earth.
I want to fish in Alaska this summer because I already sold all my belongings to do so.
…it’s been my childhood dream.
I want to fish in Alaska this summer because I am a simple God-
fearing fisherman who has been made to understand: “My son,
fishing in Alaska will give you a glimpse of the properties of Heaven
while you are still earthbound.”
……..I love to see my kids enjoy real fishing!
I want to fish in Alaska this summer because…my friend Whitney Gould is guiding at Alaska West and I KNOW she is great to fish with!
I want to fish in Alaska this summer because…well, I have this addiction, I just can’t help myself…..Somebody Please Help me! I’m Addicted to Fishing in Alaska…Arggggghhhhh!
I want to fish in Alaska this summer because….. you don’t snag shopping carts and parking meters swinging flies, and you don’t see condoms and tampon applicators floating by like you do on my local Great Lakes tributary.
I want to fish in Alaska this summer not cause its my job, but because it never leaves you, because in this world of pavement and smart phones with Alaska you can lose yourself in nature the it’s been happening since the begining of salmon. I don’t want a t-shirt….. I just want to show my love for the rivers that have given me endless memories surrounded by the fine people who feel the same. You will have to drag me away from the Arolik and the Kanektok kicking and screaming. Thanks to the leopard bows, pissed off chrome giants, misquito’s humming in your ear and Deneki Outdoors for giving me the best job on earth, guide/fun coordinator.
I want to fish in Alaska this summer because fishing with family in a special place generaetes a family memory that cannot be duplicated in any other fashion.
. . . because: the tug, the drug, the mouse, the bow. . the early chrome riding the melted snow, the cast, the swing, the pause, the grin–a thousand times for the silver fin; Oncorhynchus on the Western coast, five usual suspects and a silver ghost; all dialed in, waist deep in a run, the lure of the chase, land of the midnight sun.
I want to fish in Alaska this summer because…. it calls to me, because it’s where I’d like to be, because I can’t wait to bring my family there, because it’s one of the last wild places on earth, because it’s wild, not hatchery, because of the people, the land, the history, just because….
I want to fish in Alaska this summer because….I read your blog everyday and I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE, I can’t work because there is drool and spewed coffee on my keyboard….so many BIG fish ….I CAN’T TAKE IT………..AAAAAHHHHH!!!!
I wish to fish Alaska this summer to show off my new t-shirt I won on your on line contest…lawrie
I want to fish in Alaska this summer because there is no other place on earth with pristine waters, anadromous fish, beautiful untouched nature, and guides that get how awesome of a gift it realy is…my soul aches to swing a fly in the Kanektok.
I want to fish in Alaska this summer because…I dont want to waste my summer reading blog posts and trying to think of creative comments…I JUST WANT TO FISH!
I want to fish in alaska this summer because,,,,,I am out of Alaska West Smoked Salmon and have the DT’s….
I want to fish in Alaska this summer because,,,,I really enjoy Big Andy…
I want to fish in Alaska this summer because…..having Matt for a guide is like pushing the epic button!…..
I want to fish in Alaska this summer because the steelhead of out lake michigan this year were wimpy….
I want to fish Alaska this summer because, these damn Oregon kings won,t eat my fly.
… THEY will never find me there!!!
i want to fish ALASKA this summer because, i have lived my whole life not realizing i should have lived it in ALASKA!!!!
I want to fish Alaska this summer because I let my brother talk me into going to Alaska West on the Kanektok once……we had a blast, caught more fish….good fish….than you can shake a stick at and now I cant help myself!!!!!!
“I want to fish in Alaska this summer because…there are no steelhead in the southern hemisphere especially Australia!”
I want to fish Alaska this Summer because it will save my wife money if I go…..
I want to fish in Alaska this Summer because -“Fishing in Paradise is next to G-dliness”
….because I have two thumbs
….because that’s where the big fish are!!
I want to fish in Alaska this summer because… (1) I haven’t had a chance to get there yet, and I want to before it’s too late due to global warming, greedy despoiling big business, etc.; (2) I hear the group at Deneki is awesome and I’d love to spend some time there; (3) I’m working my a$$ off and could use a break; (4) my wife is getting into fly fishing, and I think a trip to Alaska would hook her fer shure. Thanks, y’all!
I want to fish in Alaska THIS summer as payback for going to FRANCE with my wife LAST summer
Akaska: Because life is huge and short. You gotta move fast to get it all in.
I want to take back to folks in Michigan how great a fishery Alaska is and how the Bristol Bay Pebble Mine will ruin it, Save Bristol Bay!
I want to fish Alaska this summer because I will be there helping Alaskan natives for a week anyway. With the sun setting after midnight, there will be time in the evenings after putting in 10 hours building and doing maintainence, teaching and relating for a little relaxing arm straining salmon fishing!
I want to fish in Alaska this Summer because I’m hooked on salmon.
The flies are big, the fish are bigger. “I wish I could say something classy and inspirational, but that just wouldn’t be my style. Pain heals, hens dig scars, glory lasts forever”.
I want to fish in Alaska thus summer because I want to be the next to slam it.
Because it would look perfect on my cataraft floating down the river and especially in a photo of one of us holding up a famous football size Rainbow with that shirt on, which is sure to be circulated among anyone with an itch for Alaska and all she has to save and offer.
there is nothing like ripping a “wog” across the water and watching the moving wake as a big kipped snouted silver open it big jaw to inhale your fly.
Because I am leaving AK for FL this fall and I haven’t caught a king on the swing!
I want to fish in Alaska this summer because it is on my bucket list and with health issues looming it would allow me to tick off one more thing!