Here at Deneki Outdoors we’re pretty excited about the recent arrival of some super-cool original new T-shirts! One has an awesome bonefish design for the flats-inclined, and the other pays homage to the fabled Alaska Grand Slam (that would be all 5 Pacific Salmon, all in a day, all on a fly – like we do it at Alaska West). But we digress.
Here’s the problem – we’re toiling away on our web store, but it’s not up and running yet, and these shirts are burning a hole in our warehouse! We can think of only one solution – give one away.
Complete This Sentence, Win a Free T-Shirt
Here’s how this is going to work. If you want a chance to win a free Alaska Grand Slam T-shirt, add a comment to this post that completes the following sentence:
“I want to fish in Alaska this summer because…”
On Wednesday, May 11th, we’re going to pick our favorite comment, contact the person who made the comment, and send you a free T-shirt.
May the best sentence-completer win.
NOTE: If you’re viewing this in a newsletter or a reader, click here to go to our web site and add your comment.
I want to fish in Alaska this summer because…after spending months teaching the “next” generation, my spirit and soul need a recharge, as only standing thigh-deep in a pristine river full of wild and wonderful salmon and trout can accomplish.
………because Deneki Outdoors is the ONLY outfitter where you can accomplish the fabled “Alaska Grand Slam”!
clean air, beatiful views and a throbbing fly rod and make my daily troubles disappear!
I want to fish in Alaska this summer because life is short and you only go ’round once!
“I want to fish in Alaska this summer because…”
it is WAY BETTER than work!
AK salmón Cinco de Julio
I want to fish in Alaska because it has been too long since I have had the adrenaline rush that only comes from the tug on your flyline from a large truly wild rainbow.
I want to fish in Alaska this summer because that would make my flyfishersdream come true, but I live in Europe and I must keep on dreaming and save some more money…………..
I want to fish Alaska this summer because it is the last and must desirable goal on my “bucket list.”
every night since last August I have a reoccurring dream of a monster rainbow nearly beaching itself in the grass while in pursuit of my mouse pattern…. I love leopards!
. . .because my mother-in-law wants to come help my wife re-model the kitchen.
because—I need to spend some of my sons inheritence on “chasing Chrome”!!!—Eat–Sleep–FISH!—-NO APOLOGIES necessary!
I want to fish in Alaska this summer because it’s f@#%ing rad!!!!!
That’s what the voices in my head tell me to do…
I want to fish in Alaska this summer because it’s where real fish win…..sometimes.
I want to fish Alaska this summer because my 11 year old daughter wants to ad a Salmon to her catch list…and that is not possible here in Australia!
I want to fish in Alaska this summber because….my wife lives in Oklahoma!!!!
I want to fish in Alaska this summer because it is America’s last frontier, and I can’t think of anything cooler than catching fish in a location that is truly wild.
I want to fish in Alaska this summer because I want to feel intimidated by the unforgiving environment of the Last Frontier.
I want to fish in Alaska this Summer because that’s where the good fish are!
i want to fish in alaska this summer because theres not much thats real left in this world
I want to fish in Alaska this summer because I canceled my trip last summer due to administration deciding I needed to move 2 facilities during the time I had scheduled to go.
Great job with the entries so far, everyone! Picking a winner is going to be tough…
I want to fish in Alaska this summer because I want to share it with my loved ones who have never seen fish and scenery so beautiful and plenty, and because Grandpa Grant is no longer around to show them himself – Andrew is the next best thing(:
I want to fish in Alaska this summer because I live in Smithers B.C. Canada . I’ve landed a 29lb stealhead ,a 50lb+ Chinook , a 20lb coho . Now I feel Alaska offers me the last chance to fish in one of the worlds free,wild frontiers that still has fish BIGGER 🙂 than your imagination Dreams of .
My dad and brother want to fish in Alaska so that mom and i can have a “ladies day.” Does this count? I HOPE SO—
I want to fish in Alaska this summer because it’s the ultimate angler destination. The number of trips around the sun I have left are getting shorter in number and this is one thing I HAVE to do before it’s done.
I want to fish in Alaska this summer because fish are plentiful and I enjoy seeing the eyes of a child light up when they come face to face with the beauty of the fish they have caught. Some kids choose to release them after a quick hello; whereas others are ready to start the fire on the beach and eat it right then and there.It all comes down to respect.
To be reborn again, just like last time.
I want to fish Alaska this summer to be reborn again. Just like last time.
…because it is the most fun you can have with your clothes on.
I want to fish alaska this summer, because I’m tired of looking at my friends on your web page smiling with the fish they’ve caught at your lodges…..
I want to fish Alaska this summer because boys need to be boys with their fly fishing toys!
I want to fish in Alaska this summer because the trout are bigger there.
Because after a two-year absence I really miss the camp, the crew and the river. It’s time for me to come home!
I WANT TO FISH IN ALASKA THIS SUMMER BECAUSE i love fishing down here in the south and i think it would be amazing to do fishing up in alaska, ive never been there but me and my family are planning a trip to alaska this summer!!! cant wait to catch some Rainbow trout!(;
I want to fish in Alaska because it’s my wife’s dream to visit Alaska.
I want to fish in Alaska because I’ve only seen pictures and can’t imagine seeing it personally. I’ve always wanted to visit Alaska, but have never had the opportunity. Too busy with work and children to get away! Please help me see the world?:)
I really enjoy the shirt that you sent but this thanks is for posting the newsletter each week. I read it every time. Thanks and keep it up. Big Bow Bill
Thanks a lot Bill – we really appreciate you keeping in touch!
Even though the shirt has been won – I was sitting and dreaming of The Kanektok here at my desk. There is something about drifting a size #4 or #6 hunk of fur that is supposed to look like a chunk of meat under a strike indicator (Secret Yarn preferred), and getting that good drift . As the shorline passes your anticipation increases as your offering floats under a blow down when suddenly the indicator disappears. You know that 99 out of 100 chances it isn’t going to be a 12″ dink, but there is a good chance that “ELI” has just made an attempt at making a fast meal. When you get that mass of color and spots to the net there isn’t another feeling like it. It is emotional as well as visual – to say the least stimulating!!! Wish I was there!! Hope the gang is having a wonderful summer – hope to see some of you in the spring in Andros!!
Alaska…. this is the only place I actually dream about being, this is the place I dream about living, although my dream has not yet come true, I revisit this beautiful place as often as I can.
My first trip to Alaska came as I was 14 years old, I will never forget the feeling I had inside of me telling me not to leave. There is a commercial on tv here in Atlanta that says something to the effect of ” You hear the voice calling,… come and see…. Alaska” It could not be more true. I hear it calling all the time. The most beautiful state in the United States by far. I can not wait until August 15th. I will be there to refuel my soul again..
Because Life is Too Short Not To Fish There !
Here at Deneki Outdoors I got best information on fish in Alaska.
Thanks a lot.