Abel just started shipping their brand new nippers . They’ve got a sophisticated design, and they’re beautifully executed, and they cost $50 or $100. We got a pair and tried them out, and here’s what we think of them.
First, let’s cut to the chase.
Do You Really Need $50 Nippers?
No, of course you don’t. You also don’t need a $600 fly rod rod, or a $500 reel, or a $200 pair of sunglasses. A rusty pair of fingernail clippers will cut 10 pound Maxima eventually, most of the time, just like a $25 garage sale fly rod can cast as far as you need to cast, most of the time.
We were skeptical when we first heard about Abel’s nippers, but after a little cooling-off-period we realized…yeah, you use your nippers more than pretty much any other tool in fly fishing. It’d be nice to have a pair that did a great job consistently cutting leaders and tippet. If they work great and last a long time, the ‘price per nip’ will be darned near free, even at $50 a pop. Seriously, we have incredibly high standards for all the rest of our gear – why do our nippers have to be crappy, especially when we use them so much?
Why We Like Abel’s Nippers
Yes, we like them, and yes, we think they’re worth $50. Here’s why.
- They cut the small stuff and the big stuff well. Our cast titanium offshore pliers cut 80 pound fluorocarbon well. Our lightweight surgical ceramic nippers cut 5X well. These nippers cut both well.
- The hook cleaner is the best-designed we’ve seen. It’s set right near the edge of the nippers, making it really easy to line it up with the tiniest of hook eyes.
- The jaws have a 2 year warranty. Yep, for $50 they better last a long time. Yep, the jaws are going to be the first part that wears out. Abel will replace the jaws for you for 2 years.
- High quality gear feels good. This is a well designed and manufactured piece of gear, and you’ll grab it dozens of times each day, and that’s a good thing.
Red Hot Gift Alert
If you’re looking for a gift for the “angler that has everything”, how could Abel’s nippers not be an excellent choice?
- They’re going to get used, a lot.
- They’re a simple piece of gear, built well, and that says a lot about you, the gift-giver, right?
- If a $50 gift isn’t expensive enough, you can always spring for a $100 fish graphic version.
- They just came out, so almost nobody owns them yet.
If you’re interested, you can buy them right here .
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It is your money, as PT Barnum said “There’s a sucker born every minute”. I have one that cost $10 that have lasted 12 years and I fish alot
That’s great James. What kind are they?
These are great posts. Some of your research is cool and you bring to light some interesting new inventions. I’m a skier too, and technology has really changed that sport, so I’m all for it. Although I would never buy the abel nippers, I got a great chuckle out of the price tag. Keep it up guys. You’re excellent at capturing the right blend of information and entertainment.
Sun is burning up
Flats are cooling me down, so
I get my fly rod
Got the nippers for Christmas!! They are killer nice. I’ll think of my wife often this fishing season.
That’s great news, Doyle! All the best in 2013.
At first I was appaled at the thought of spending $50 for a nipper. After my heart rate slowed down I thought about it. I usually pay $10 or so for a nipper. The first thing that happens is they get dull and I have found them impossible to sharpen. I end up going through at least two or three in a year. If this company will replace the jaws for 2 years I would probably have spent $50 or $60 replacing nippers in that period. Maybe the price tag isn’t so bad AND it would eliminate a lot of frustration.
It’s $100 to fill the tank in my truck, a pint of Beer can easily be $8 – so is $50 for nippers out of question … Well, now Hatch has theirs for $100…
I’ve wasted money on a lot worse and part of the fun of fishing for some of us are the toys… $60 for the red ones… And they make me happy… Worth every penny.