This is the time of year that lots of fly anglers are getting ready for their winter bonefishing trips. Yes, you should be getting your calendar straight and your plane tickets booked, but now’s also the time to brush up on your skills. Pebble Beach is not the place to be working on your golf swing, right?
So today we present to you our 5 most popular posts focused on bonefishing tips!
Casting Advice from Torrie Bevans
Torrie, one of our guides at Andros South, gives advice on casting in video format, like only he can.
Setting the Hook
The hook set is one of the most challenging skills for lots of anglers new to the flats – here’s how to do it right.
5 Ways to Blow a Shot at a Bonefish
Learn what to do, by learning what not to do.
Spotting Bonefish
You need to see them to catch them – here’s how to do just that.
Casting in the Wind
Bruce Chard checks in with some advice on how to cast when it’s not exactly calm.
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