It’s spey casting video time. Whitney Gould makes an appearance today to walk us through the basic steps involved in making one of the most useful spey casts out there – the Snap T a.k.a. Circle Spey a.k.a. C-Spey a.k.a. Circle Cast. It’s a great cast that just happens to have a lot of names.
Whitney introduces herself in this video like this – “Hi, my name’s Whitney Gould – I’m a first-year guide here at Alaska West“. While that’s technically true, this is a video about spey casting, and Whitney somehow left out the fact that she’s a former Women’s World Champion spey caster. We’re not going to attempt to cover how fishy she is.
Anyhow, today Whitney steps us through the Snap T a few times. There might not be anything groundbreaking here – just a minute or so of footage of one of the best in the world walking you through the cast that you might use most often.
If you’re viewing this in a newsletter or a reader, click here to watch Whitney make a few casts left-handed on YouTube.
Whitney’s Way Better Than You Are
Oh, by the way, Whitney doesn’t cast normally with her left hand on top – she was helping a lefty on this day and just thought she’d keep things consistent. You’re that good with either hand up, right? Awesome – Hey Dec, thanks for keeping up with our blog.
She does a good job on the oars as well – will row all day if needed!