In no particular order.
- Entire rivers to yourself. On your fearless editor’s last trip to Chile West, we first saw another angler on day 9 out of 9.
- Cantaria beetles. They’re big and crunchy, and trout of all sorts go nutty for them.
- Bangin’ the banks. It’s action packed and it selects for bigger fish.
- Giant stoneflies. Because we like fishing really big dry flies.
- Legit local culture. Local rodeos, for example, are not something you’re going to find at home.
- Chilean wine. It’s great and it’s everywhere.
- Big fish. It’s not all about trout.
- Pretty little fish. But there’s nothing wrong with small trout either.
- Spring creeks. The fishing isn’t always easy, but fishing tiny clear water can be awfully rewarding.
- Ridiculous scenery. It’s just a really beautiful place.
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