If you’ve spent much time on the water with serious photographers, chances are you’ve seen Pelican cases at work.
Pelican cases are bombproof, and they’re simply the safest way to take electronics like cameras along on fishing trips. Here’s why.
- They’re waterproof 100% of the time.
- They’re dustproof 100% of the time.
- They protect your fancy camera gear from bumps and bruises 100% of the time.
Yes, you could use a rolltop dry bag or backpack, and that would keep your gear dry (you closed it correctly, right?), but wouldn’t help so much with the bumps and bruises. Yes, there are other knockoff brands, but Pelican is the standard for a reason. You can chuck your Pelican case in the back of a truck or in the bottom of a boat, or strap it to the frame of a raft, and just not think about the safety of your gear, at all.
Pelican cases are big and bulky and no, they’re not cheap…but neither is all of your camera gear, right?
For an SLR and a few lenses, we like the Pelican 1500. You can go smaller
and bigger
If you bring your camera gear on fishing trips to the ends of the earth, we think the peace of mind is well worth it.
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I saw a Pelican case mounted on the back of a roof rack of an early model Jeep. the lid faced rearward and other side had two 2″ PVC pipes 9 ft long epoxied to it. The guy had made a bombproof, totally secure (with padlocks) rod carrier!!!