A couple of years ago at Alaska West we started offering a charter flight from Anchorage direct to Quinhagak – the Yupik village at the mouth of the Kanektok River, 6 miles from our camp. Our guests loved it because it provided much more direct access to our operation and just made the travel a heck of a lot smoother.
Last year we upgraded the charter to a DC-3, a really cool airplane that allowed more of our guests to take the charter. Reviews were great, so this year…
We upgraded again, this time to a deHavilland Dash 8 operated by Era Aviation. The Dash 8 allows all of our guests to take our charter to and from camp. It’s a modern, smooth, fast ride, and it’s comfy too – complete with a flight attendant and a lavatory! Era flies right out of the Anchorage International Airport and their service is awesome.
Of course the fishing is still the most important part of a trip to Alaska West, but getting there easily and in comfort doesn’t hurt.
Guys. This is great, because I’m not a great flyer and taking multiple flights always is a detriment in my mind. Fly to Anchorage, get on the charter and be there in a snap. Great job. I know people will love this option. Glad to hear you guys are having an awesome year. Look forward to getting back up there for the king-swing next year.
greg thomas