We’ve had a bunch of new visitors on our web site recently (Welcome!), so we thought it’d be nice to give a quick overview on how to navigate the 650+ pages (and growing daily) on our site. There’s a lot here – we want you to find what you’re looking for!
We post to the ‘Blog’ section of our site every day. The other tabs on the top of the page tell you more about our company and the lodges that we run – those sections are updated too but not nearly as frequently.
Every day a new post magically appears on the ‘Blog’ tab of the site. This is the page that you land on when you go to www.deneki.com. Our blog posts cover a really wide range of topics, and they’re grouped into Topics (major groups of posts e.g. our locations) and are also labelled with Tags.
It’s easy to find posts in a certain topic. Looking for all of our Tip posts? Just click on the Tips link in the Topics section on the right-hand side of the site. Want to see the newest posts about Andros South? Same story – check out the Andros South link under Topics.

We slap tags on our posts based on pretty much anything we can think of that’s covered in the post – species of fish, types of gear, techniques, people, you name it. If you’re looking for posts related to something really specific – like, say ‘Chum Salmon’ – have a look at the ‘tag cloud’ on the left-hand side of the site. The bigger a tag is, the more posts are linked to it.

Post Links
You’ll also notice that you can hop to similar posts from inside any page that you’re on. The Topics are listed right at the top of the post and the Tags are listed at the bottom. If you just read a post by Bruce Chard and you’d like to hear more from him, just click his name in the Tag section and you’ll see more posts relating to Bruce!

Our Lodges
A lot of our daily blog posts have to do with one or more of our lodges, but for visitors who want to learn more about our operations, the place to look is the tabs at the top of the screen. If you click the Alaska West tab, for example, you’ll dive into a whole bunch of information and pictures about the species we chase and the gear we use, our facilities, our rates, recent fishing reports and more. Once you click on one of the tabs about our operations, just follow the links in the menu on the left to learn more.

And that pretty much does it! We hope you’re able to find your way around, and we’re happy to have the chance to give you a little dose of fishing in your day.
More Places to Find Us Online
- Our Facebook Page (daily updates from our open lodges + more)
- Our Twitter Page (blow-by-blow with Your Editor)
- GoFishn (online angling community with fishing reports and photos)
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